Hernia Surgery

Hernia Surgery

Hernia Surgery Pictures

Old age, accidental injuries due to lifting heavy weights, obesity or genetic factors, there could be a host of reasons that can lead to hernia. In urgent cases, flow of blood to important parts can lead to damage; hence it is important that you seek immediate attention and go for a hernia repair surgery.
Hernia happens when weak muscles or fatty tissues in the body lets way to nerves within the body. Hernia is a condition that is seen in both adults as well as in children. In most cases, the solution is Hernia repair surgery. Though the human body is strong enough to withstand such pressures, under certain conditions the body gives way, thus leading to hernia.

Appearance of hernia in men & women

Men are the most affected by hernia. Most
 are thought to be due to ageing. This is because as you get older, the muscles surrounding your abdomen can become weaker. Hernias can sometimes appear suddenly due to strain on the abdomen, such as straining on the toilet if you have constipation or carrying and pushing heavy loads or enough in patients suffering from heavy cough.
Even children as young as 6 months old may become victim of hernia and may require Hernia surgery in India.

Type of hernias and when surgery becomes necessary
This is the serious of the two types of hernia. In this, the veins strangulate muscle tissues and stop blood flow in those parts. When a patient suffers from this, doctors prescribe immediate surgery. If surgery is not carried out immediately, the hernia can cause permanent damage to the tissues for the lack of blood flow.


This is when important body parts become stuck in the canal. Symptoms are vomiting, pain in the groin and general discomfort in the abdomen region. Though this is not life threatening or damaging as strangulation, but patients cannot expect to be relieved of their conditions until they undergo surgery.

Risks associated with hernia surgery

Hernia Surgery Before and After

Some stats point to the fact that a hernia can recur after a year or two. Recurrence is the biggest issue with hernia surgery but that should not stop you from seeking out medical intervention immediately. Lack of proper medical attention often leads to the situation becoming very critical. Complication like inability to urinate is commonly experienced fallout of surgery. Hernias are more likely to become irreducible in the first few weeks than over months or years, but even hernias that have been present for many years may become irreducible.

Check Other Article for Hernia Surgery

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